Think, for a moment, about the impact the personal automobile had on humankind. It revolutionized the way we live, the way we work, the way we built our nation. Now consider the contribution of the telephone. Communication by wire across town and across culture redefined the way people interacted. Think now about the personal computer and then the Internet. Information became like air, invisible but everywhere it was needed.
Mobile CRM can alter the path of mobile sales forces along similar scales. It might sound hyperbolic, but access to CRM data on handheld Internet-capable devices is the wave of the future. Perhaps it is time to consider investing in the next big thing.
With Microsoft CRM Mobile Express, your mobile sales force has access to customer information with up-to-the-minute accuracy. Marketing, sales, and customer service information can be summoned when your work force is on the road, in meetings with clients, or on service calls.
CRM Mobile Express is simply an extension of Microsoft CRM. It allows users to view, create, and modify CRM data on any Internet-capable device. It can be used with any mobile web browser, which means your sales staff can employ this next-big-thing on their Microsoft Windows Mobile Pocket PCs or Smartphones, their Palm-powered handheld devices, or even on their RIM Blackberrys.
It’s easy to use, easy to manage, and easy to configure. Your salespeople can select which data to take with them on the road. They can enter information related to their sales activities and then synchronize that data with the Microsoft CRM server when the network is available (either when the user is on the office network, or when wireless access is available through CDMA or GPRS/Edge).
And, with Microsoft CRM-Online, customers get free mobile access, enhanced data import, customizable views, and a simplified payment structure. Furthermore, organizations interested in switching from and Oracle products can enjoy six months of Microsoft CRM at no cost.The automobile. The telephone. The personal computer. CRM Mobile Express. It’s that big. You don’t want to miss out on what will likely revolutionize mobile sales forces as we know them.
To learn more about Mobile CRM contact Admiral Consulting Group