If you are small or a medium sized distribution business where keeping up with new technologies
is harder than actually running your company – you are not alone.
Revolutionize Your Distribution Business with Business Central
ERP Implementation on a Budget with Business Central
If you’ve done your homework on ERP implementation, you know that the setup costs alone can be upwards of $100,000 depending on the solution scale and the complexity of your business.
How Microsoft Teams Makes WFH Easier During the COVID-19 Crisis
Working from home may be a privilege during the COVID-19 crisis but that doesn’t mean it’s all fun and games. Especially if you are used to life in the office, connecting with your colleagues and making sure everyone is on the same page can seem impossible.
Office 365 is now Microsoft 365: What You Should Know
As of mid-April 2020, Microsoft changed the name of several of the Office 365 plans to Microsoft 365. For current users of Office 365, there is no cause for alarm. The tool set you are familiar with has not changed. You still have access to Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc. In general, the product is the same it just has a new name.
Automate Your Sales Order Process and Get Paid Faster with DocLink
For those of you who missed our webinar on Automate your Sales Order Process and Get Paid Faster. I wanted to share the recording with you.
Why You Need the Business Central App for Outlook
Still haven’t implemented the Business Central App for Outlook on your computer? Here’s why you need to immediately.
How to Integrate Dynamics 365 Sales with Business Central
It’s simple to integrate Dynamics 365 Sales with Business Central with customer engagement straight out of the box with no extra tools. You can even do it yourself! Defining a relationship between Business Central and Dynamics 365 Sales can give your sales team an upper hand and make them more self-sufficient.
Free, Self-Paced Training for Business Central
Do you ever wish for free, self paced training for Business Central? We know that adopting a new ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system can be hard.
How to Optimize Your Microsoft Dynamics ERP Implementation
We often hear from clients that got sidetracked from their core goals and strategies after their initial implementation period. They spent so much energy upfront on phase 1, the plans they made for Phase 2 or 3 got neglected.
How Food ERP Systems Save Money, Maintain Quality & Improve Visibility
With so many challenges facing food manufacturers, maintaining a quality product, a sustainable margin and a competitive edge in the marketplace may seem impossible, without the right Food ERP system.